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TR Reg track days 2024

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Hello all,

Been a bit quiet on the Triumph front for me lately, with work nonsense and garage travails stealing my spare time. 

But it's not all doom and gloom! Track days are up on the TRR shop page, and there's a few to choose from this year https://www.tr-registershop.co.uk/track-day-92-c.asp

  • 1st May - Castle Combe 
  • 15th May - Three Sisters
  • 22nd May - Curborough sprint course
  • 10th July - Llandow circuit

Combe is the dearest at £130, all the others are sub-100 quid. 

I've just signed up for Combe and am pondering Curborough and Llandow. Could stay with my brother in south Wales for the latter. 

Any other Sideways folk getting involved? 

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If I may add some Triumph race meets?   The CSCC Swinging '60s series will take place as shown:



There are usually four to six Triumphs entered.     This series  runs two races at most meetings, for Group 1 and Group 2 (-/+ 2L) cars, with about half in eah race, unless they are amalgamated.

There isn't a Triumph area, but all the Sw'60s cars should be in the same part of the paddock, where visiting Triumpheros will be most welcome.  I'm entered for Donington on March 23.

For anyone who must stay at home, all the meetings will be 'live streamed' onto YouTube, just announced in  addition to those marked above. "Classic Sports Car Club" channel.



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On 2/10/2024 at 4:04 PM, Hamish said:

i think Curborough is a one car at a time sprint type format. ?

Ah yes so it is, I hadn't read the blurb. Not sure if i'll go for that.

Three Sisters is a bit too far from me, especially 2 weeks after Castle Combe.

Thanks @JohnD, i'll see which ones I can attend but very pleased to see they're all being live streamed - think they only did two last season. A workmate of mine will be racing in the Caterham series this year, so i'll potentially have two people to bother in the paddock!

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On 2/10/2024 at 9:24 PM, Nick Jones said:

I’m thinking about it. I need to resolve the oil pressure question and sort the clutch. Possibly I said the same last year….? I forget….:confused:

Think it was just oil temperature last year Nick! Or is that the same as the pressure issue?

I need to resolve my crankcase breathing. Thinking about putting a larger breather outlet on the rocker cover, or maybe an additional one on the other side... 

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42 minutes ago, PeteStupps said:

Think it was just oil temperature last year Nick! Or is that the same as the pressure issue?

They are related, but the oil pressure has never been great on this engine and appears to be gradually falling with time and use. Possibly there is a gauge problem in the mix too. I now have the fittings to run two gauges simultaneously so I can directly test the honesty of the installed gauge. Preliminary fiddlings suggest that it may be a pessimist, which would be a happy finding if proven!

More breathing is good. The aim is to reduce the velocity of any escaping gasses so as to be less inclined to carry oil with them.

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1 hour ago, PeteStupps said:

I need to resolve my crankcase breathing. Thinking about putting a larger breather outlet on the rocker cover, or maybe an additional one on the other side... 

If you can get one on the side of the block that works better than additional ones on the rocker cover as the air coming up has to compete with the oil heading down

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On 2/10/2024 at 1:31 PM, PeteStupps said:

Any other Sideways folk getting involved? 

As usual (being a creature of habit) I will be trundling down to take part.

This year a friend is bring his mobile chicane Stag. And interstingly has just asked me what oil would be good for his upcoming oil change. I have suggested Penrite or Millers CSS 20-60. ( in my toledo I found teh Millers stuff held pressure better than VR1. Not tried Penrite, but a well known TR6 hooner loves the stuff)

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Absolutely, Croft is a great circuit!  It's the same distance from me as Oulton Park, but North East,  instead of South West

But even at Oulton, where the CSCC goes every year, attendance is always down and people moan about 'how far it is!'

As if Snetterton (for example) isn't seven hours from me!  (It's too far - I don't go these days!)


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18 hours ago, Escadrille Ecosse said:

If you can get one on the side of the block that works better than additional ones on the rocker cover as the air coming up has to compete with the oil heading down

Yes I did ponder switching to an electric fuel pump in order to use the block aperture for breathing, but prefer not to muck around with things that are working fine (the old AC fuel pump). So am going to try more ventilation of the rocker lid first, as i've got a spare cover to butcher.

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45 minutes ago, PeteStupps said:

Yes I did ponder switching to an electric fuel pump in order to use the block aperture for breathing, but prefer not to muck around with things that are working fine (the old AC fuel pump). So am going to try more ventilation of the rocker lid first, as i've got a spare cover to butcher.

Fair enough Pete.

24 minutes ago, JohnD said:

But WHY do you need so much crankcase venting?   Knackered rings??

Sustained high revs at WOT tend to overwhelm the PCV on the twin HS2 Spitfire manifold. And I do think that venting up through the head to the rocker impedes oil return to the sump and vice versa which doesn't help crankcase venting. Which creates a vicious circle.

I found the same with the 2L six and I assume you would have put a block breather on your Vitesse as well John for the same reason.

It does occur to me that the Mk3 block still has the redundant hole for the original open breather. Just blanked off with a Welch plug*. Another option although perhaps even more involved that trying to fit an electric pump :blush:

Edit *yes technically it's a core plug becuase the concave side is outwards whereas Welch plugs have the convex side out :biggrin:

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If that's how Pete is using his Spit - on a track day understandable! -  then remove the Valve!  It's there to prevent excess aspiration from the crankcase when the throttle is closed, and the vacuum in the inlet is maxed.   At WOT, it will be minimal.

Yes, I use the fuel pump port as an extra vent.  That and the rocker vent go to a catch tank on the bulkhead.


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On 2/10/2024 at 4:04 PM, Hamish said:

I hope to try Curborough and 3 sisters

i think Curborough is a one car at a time sprint type format. ?

CT held an autosolo there a few years ago. It was indeed quite narrow so definately one car at a time. Made a very fast autosolo course, except the donut around a cone at the top. 

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22 hours ago, JohnD said:

that's how Pete is using his Spit - on a track day understandable! -  then remove the Valve! 

Indeed John, it's only on track days. I get a bit of oil spraying out of the fuel pump breather hole (identified by Nick a couple of years back if I recall correctly).

Last year I tried venting direct to atmosphere with the PCV blanked off, but that made no difference.

@Escadrille Ecosse yes I did look at the vestigial block breather behind the exhaust manifold but shied away from attacking that. Maybe i'll have another look.. might be able to manage debris OK if I drop the sump and put something over the crankshaft.

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1 hour ago, PeteStupps said:

I did look at the vestigial block breather behind the exhaust manifold but shied away from attacking that. Maybe i'll have another look.. might be able to manage debris OK if I drop the sump and put something over the crankshaft.

Some have the boss undrilled, some (earlier ones I suspect) have it drilled with a core plug fitted.  The latter might be manageable, the former, not so much. Neither size or location is ideal IMHO anyway.

I would first try an additional large (3/4 - 1”) connection on the rocker cover (straight out of the rear to a catch-pot?).

I should put one on my fuel pump port (currently blanked off) as the Vitesse gets distinctly “sweaty” when pushed.

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2 hours ago, PeteStupps said:

Last year I tried venting direct to atmosphere with the PCV blanked off, but that made no difference.

My experience is the same. And I didn't have much better success with additional rocker vents. If you have a spare rocker cover to play with then you might get on better but even venting through the fuel pump mounting I found that 1/2" wasn't big enough and I needed a 3/4" to keep the oil in. So I would start there.

And with an open vent the track will require you have a catch tank. Mount this where the hoses can be kept short.

42 minutes ago, Nick Jones said:

Some have the boss undrilled, some (earlier ones I suspect) have it drilled with a core plug fitted.  The latter might be manageable, the former, not so much. Neither size or location is ideal IMHO anyway.

Nick as far as I am aware ALL small journal blocks have the hole drilled up to and including the 1300s. It is the large journal 1300s and the 1500s where it is undrilled.

Access to the boss isn't really that bad, even with a 4-branch manifold. And for venting the crankcase it is in a perfect location.

And it is 3/4" diameter...:thumbsup:


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  • 2 months later...

Finally got off the fence and signed up for Castle Coombe. 

Still six places available as of the end of last week, so get off the fence :smile:. Doesn’t have to be a Triumph - any pre ‘84 classic is acceptable. Entry list suggests some post ‘84 stuff too.

The Curborough and Llandow events are looking a bit unloved and need your support…….

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