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Not really a bollocks, unless your my wallet! Today I took a rather exciting delivery, which is the outcome of an outbreak of seriously optimistic thinking. I'm going to have to survive on gruel for a while, but I think it'll be worth it when it eventually comes to fruition.
That’s great. come and say a sideways hello I’m in a black TR3a the track days are great fun so just enjoy. There is good courtesy on track which will be clear at a drivers brief. And we are all like minded and take care. it’s not a race, so go at a pace you are happy with. You don’t have to break any records in the first sessions but you will get quicker throughout the day.
By Escadrille Ecosse · Posted
The algorithm popped this out as a suggestion I thought WOW on so many levels. -
I’ll be there Hamish, in the powder blue 3a looking for tips and pointers on how to make best use of her on the track
Pack your helmet Nick and come and say hello - if I get a spot.
By Nick Jones · Posted
Hope to be there but as social only, not taking to the track. -
Hi guys Any of you confirmed as going? im about to hit the payment button if there is any space ? happy for the odd passenger rides if the car works as not done a lot of miles since broken piston rebuild and I have Shelsley on 13 !!