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By Nick Jones · Posted
1.0 3-pot possibly has a dual mass flywheel? These usually come as part of the kit making them expensive. DMF clutch kit for my A6 is £1,200, comfortably exceeding the value of the car! Luckily it’s still hanging on in there…. -
By Escadrille Ecosse · Posted
Nice Know what you mean about trying to manoeuvre the diff with it perched precariously on the jack. -
My A Level General Studies paper, multiple choice question: what is a Freudian slip? The obvious option, "a slightly revealing ladies' undergarment" got my X in the box.
I've just changed my differential. Balancing it on the jack, to lower or lift the new one back in, is fraught with danger! For your fingers, head, and as you need the whole car quite high off the floor, to the diff itself if it drops. So I built a bearer for it, that would provide a flat surface for the jack saddle. I built it from scrap wood, ad used a large cable tie to hold the diff onto the bearer. Photos and a sketch plan below. The width of the base is irrelevant, so I've only included those that engage with the rear housing (mine has a drain plug) and either side of the diff mounting plate. Hope it's useful! John
I am leaving the Baleno exactly where it is until I get back from my hols in 2 weeks. My current thinking is to get a clutch kit AND a extra CSC. Sims Suzuki are £570 for the clutch kit (one garage were apparently quoted £800 for the 3 part clutch kit!) then do a DIY job. If the clutch parts look OK, it will just use the CSC and return the clutch kit. The 1.2 Baleno clutch kit is a mere £250 from the same supplier. Madness.
In another thread, Nick's "suction house" could be a good example, although the layout of the QWERTY keyboard could be to blame.
You may joke but my better half has already asked me when I’m moving in !!? 😳 thanks for the support and kind words.
So impressed with the skills and thought process on display here congrats and my 🤞 for you