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Gauge Bling!!!!


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Hello All

             I have sold a few parts lately and not spent much on petrol last year!

So I thought sod it I am going to buy a set of gauges that all match instead of the mixture that was fitted!

So after much messing about with fitting and rationalising the wiring (all bulbs connected via 3 x 2 pin connectors) etc

All tested and working (not sure about oil temperature yet as I did not change the sensor only just changed the oil!!!!)


ps I think they look Posh now I fitted green led's but not sure if they are bright enough(not that I do much night driving now)


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Just in case you are wondering the red centre lamp is oil/brake fail light and the Amber one is a choke light so I know when the EFI has reached temperature and I can go above 2500 or 3000 rpm(can not remember which) but the Micro Squirt will not let me until it has gone off.


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2 hours ago, Nick Jones said:

Looks good :smile:

Hello Nick 

                I might get a gold neck chain next!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We are out on a run Wednesday with a few as allowed socially distanced Old Farts with the wind blowing though what hair I have left! (it is a lie I wear a hat leather cowboy style!)

I may look a Pr*t but it keeps the sun(when its out and out of my eyes and stops my ears burning and I like it(so there laugh all you like) 

I think I look COOL Ha Ha

Roger the silly old F**t

ps would be nice to see something like this again on our trip to Shobdon!


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Thats very nice, cant have too many gauges, gives you more things to watch and worry about! BTW are they new gauges? 

It seems to be difficult to get a matching set of used gauges, Triumph seemed to use so many slightly different styles, fonts, colours over the years...



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1 hour ago, Nick Jones said:

:huh: How can you keep a hat like that while in a moving convertible? I can’t even keep a woolly tea-cosy on.....

Hello Nick

                That's why us Cowboys have a cord under the chin!

1 hour ago, mpbarrett said:

Thats very nice, cant have too many gauges, gives you more things to watch and worry about! BTW are they new gauges? 

It seems to be difficult to get a matching set of used gauges, Triumph seemed to use so many slightly different styles, fonts, colours over the years...



Hello Mike

                  Yes all new I bought them all from Merlin Motorsport(they were the best price I could find((cheapest))

The are the Smiths classic Range.

I look at used refurbished ones but to expensive and not worth it unless you are a Konkers Type!!!!! 

Smiths Classic Electrical Gauges from Merlin Motorsport



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello All

              I finally got around to fitting the new Smiths temperature sensor for the oil temperature gauge( only lost about a table spoon full in the swop!!) Same as water one! same gauge just says oil!

Now the water and oil temperature gauges both were sitting at just a Gnats Knacker under 90 deg today after the oil had warm up so to me that is good?

I have a 88 deg thermostat fitted and when I fitted the new engine I fitted a new thermostat to the oil cooler head(was not sure about the old one!)

The new oil pressure gauge shows about 75 psi cold at 1000 rpm and about 55 at 90 deg at 1000 rpm so I am happy on Mobil VR1 motorsport 10/60(I think ?)

Plus I think they now match and look the dogs thingies !


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2 hours ago, Nick Jones said:

Nice. 90C is good for oil..... wish I could keep mine down to that. Saw 100C on Saturday and that was just 70mph cruise with 13C ambient....


Hello Nick

                I do have an oil cooler fitted with thermostat type adaptor plate and when I built this new engine I thoroughly cleaned it all out and fitted a new thermostat (80 Deg) to the adaptor.

We were driving spiritedly around the minor A and good B roads 40 to 50 and up and down the gears and the outside temperature was about 13 to 15 C

I have no doubt it will get hotter in Spain If we ever get there again and when stuck in traffic!

Just had a Mad thought what about a small fan on the oil cooler set to come on when the radiator fan does? (stuck in Traffic!!)


ps I know you can get the water to oil type cooler/heater thing (sold one off the Vitesse) but it is a lot of plumbing!

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I hate to add external flexihoses if I can avoid it. Seen too many failures, including a destroyed engine.

Vitesse suffers from the sump bowl being shielded from airflow by the front chassis X-member and also the 3-1 exhaust collector being right up against it. Going to try a small scoop to direct airflow into that region.  There is also the “maybe (probably) over-baffled” question.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello All

               We went for a run out today in Spitty and I kept my eye on the oil temperature gauge.

I recon just gentle running nothing above 2500/3000 rpm and it was cool it took 15+ miles to get to just under the 90deg were it sat all through the run until on the way back we had to creep though traffic in Stourport on Sea (local joke!)

Then it went just above 90 deg but soon dropped back to just under 90 deg 

So to me that seems to indicate the oil cooler does its job?

I may still play with a small fan in front of it to try(just a lash up at first)   





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1 hour ago, Nick Jones said:

Sounds like it’s working perfectly to me.......

Hello Nick

                 Still you know me ! I might still find an old fan and give it a try for when we can go to Spain Again and drive Spitty Spiritedly up and down the Pyrenees and perhaps she would get so hot under the collar?

I am now getting a bit obsessed at looking at the AFR meter and thinking that could be leaner!!!!

Sad I know and she is giving about 40mpg all the time on average!(its not even about the money!!)

Plus I have just sold an old Velocette motorcycle part for £75 and he wants more?

Plus a hard top just sold on Fleabay for £430 and it was rough! mine is nice and cheaper!! and man thinks he wants it !


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