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I’ll weigh one when they turn up . No idea . Just wanted something loud and compact .
By Sigma hurricane · Posted
Got to be lighter than the stock triumph ones, some how they seem to be made out of lead -
The FBHVC is asking classic owners to complete a survey, about what cars you own and what you do with them: FBHVC Federation National Historic Vehicle Survey 2025 | Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs Seems to me to be a good idea and harmless. JOhn
I ordered a couple of horns this morning . These should wake people up .
By Escadrille Ecosse · Posted
Nick, please stop. There is enough of an internal monologue without external assistance -
By JumpingFrog · Posted
Another day with as many steps forward as backward. Started off by draining the gearbox and axle, went well until I decided to undo the gearbox fill plug, which refused. I quickly got fed up, and very crudely welded an M14 nut to it. Not pretty, but its off. I really dislike the 7/16 square head plugs, although at least they're easy to weld on to. Diff oil was okay but old and black, gearbox oil was much worse, only 1/3 full and a lot of yellow metal speckles. Given how badly the gearbox works (especially the synchros), I'm not that surprised, but hope to get a few thousand miles out of it still. Don't really want to rebuild it, as I don't intend to use it when I start upgrading things. Next up popped off the propshaft and changed the output shaft seal on the gearbox. Nothing to complain about there, all done in 30 minutes and then refitted the propshaft, greased the UJs and refilled the axle. Since I'm still procrastinating from actually finishing the clutch hydraulics, I decided to take something else apart. Drained the fuel tank, using the drain plug, which undid fine and is a much better design than a Herald one. A bit of rust and dirt came out the tank, but not that much. This let me disconnect the petrol pump without syphoning the tank all over the floor. Pump is as suspected - not good. Unfortunately, it isn't a nice early one, but a later replacement with staked valves. Diaphragm is very perished and cracked, barely pumps and was probably dumping a lot into the sump. Filter chamber absolutely packed with rust and debris. Guess it shows how fuel efficient the 803cc is, if it can run with a pump in this state... Need to see if I have a nice early pump hidden away at my parents, or if I'll just rebuild this one. Will also remake the fuel line, and fit a filter by the tank. -
Picked it up today and drove the Hundred miles back without an issue. It's got a really annoying squeak from the suspension, and the wiper blades are cack, but really that's all I found, hoping just needs a bit of grease on the top shock mount. Really was nice to drive, though my legs are gonna need to get used to the more upright driving position. There's a mountain of parcels on the way with various bits and bobs for it, should keep my busy for a while.
By Nick Jones · Posted
Very good Question is….. can he resist having another go in pursuit of perfection