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    • Over on the TRR we are told that no dates were available at Malvern for 2025!   The next IWE will be 14 to 16 August 2026. Boo, but the Three Counties is a very popular venue, with show much bigger than ours, which was 'only' 4000!   John
    • I was there on Saturday and I liked the event. Lot‘s to see. Met some folks and had nice talks.  I hope the event was according to the expectations of the organizers and met the financial targets thus it can / will be scheduled again. And I do have a new Vitesse Baseball Cap  now. Martin
    • The Welding Institute! As a newly-extruded architect, I worked on their vision for the next ten years... in 1990. The chap in charge of the study was a Billy Bunter lookalike, who would only speak to my practice's Senior Partner, Richard, and referred to me as "the chap who carries Richard's bag". My career has been sort of downhill from there.
    • I thought to ask Google, and this was first hit: https://www.twi-global.com/technical-knowledge/faqs/faq-what-techniques-can-i-use-to-weld-nylon#:~:text=To dielectric weld nylon film,flow and hence to weld. Everything you ever wanted to know about welding nylon! John
    • Indeed. And placing “Agent Orange” in an orange jumpsuit and sending him off for an extended water boarding holiday at Guantanamo Bay is the only sane response, and yet, I fear no advantage will be taken.
    • A number of popped down for fish and chips on the Friday, thought it was fine and they certainly didn't faff about.  But we have learnt that a simple BBQ type thing works really well. Not to mention a fry up for everybody each morning.  We had loads of biscuits on the CT stand, in the end people took several packets home. So please pop by next time and have a cuppa and eat lots of biscuits.
    • Good question - it could well be a form of Nylon. There are no markings to be seen, but I will drain it and remove it for inspection. I'm not able to tackle it this weekend - I'm about to head off to NL to be a spectator at Cadet No.2's defence of his final project and, hopefully, return with his newly-minted BSc in Mechanical Engineering. His final project was a study of the use of composite materials as springs in micromeasurement. Blimey. I've bought tickets for the VW Museum at Wolfsburg for the return journey, and we plan to indulge in an excess of roadside greasy spoons, to make it a proper road trip.
    • He has the tools, provided willingly by the SCOTUS's corporate and religious sponsors...
    • Hi Folks, the queues on the Friday 1pm - 4pm  were caused by a couple of oddities One QR scanner - it became mobile at 6pm but even then the marshals were diverting the pay now queue into the prepaid queue for scanning (and diverting) so again it was slow (but not painful) There were 40+ clubs involved and the TRR did the majority of the organising and marshaling - will the silly bu99ers ever learn. All the halls were open but thinly spread with cars/stalls/events. The food was centred between the main buildings (previously used for Autosolo) sadly the food was awful The Scampi had never been near the sea. The Chinese had no inkling of China. I heard that the burgers were OK. Even the reliable Stockmans restaurant only did a pork roll for Sunday lunch. However I enjoyed what was happening It will be back there in two years time   Roger   
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