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Just like that...


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Exactly 7 years ago at this time, a computer nerd moonwalked down a hallway in the middle of the night in Melbourne, shaking his arse at the internet, 'cos after being pronounced dead, Sideways had come back to life.

Thank you to all the Supporters and Benefactors, to the regular posters and lurkers, to the quiet, the loud, and the technically elegant.

A special Thanks to Nick, the glue that keeps this corner of the Triumph world together,

and to Dave Sideways, that crazy loon who founded our happy little corner of the web just over a decade ago, with the simple words 

"Welcome Friend"


You all rock.



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7 years already?!  :blink: Damn....... 

Dunno about me being the glue...... but I know who keeps the wheels on technically - thanks Craig.  As Alan so rightly said in the shoutbox, you are IT!

And Dave, if you are out there lurking - be good to hear from you - just to know you're there.


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