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Gt Claims (And Other Stuff) Split From The Forum Etiquette Posts


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Tedious tiresome bollocks from Mr invisible who won't show any information or examples, won't even give out a phone number or an address and lives in some far flung corner of the former Soviet Empire safe from legal comebacks.


Despite his constant hectoring and claims he has some super special knowledge on tuning TRiumphs on every single forum on the planet, the fact is, there is no big secret, it's been known for years, the engines are basically untunable to any degree, that's why TRiumph binned the bloody things


tschöjdel, ùffgedùnsener sèrvela, àlwelueli, àrmer schiesser, àrsch mit ohre :woot::nuke: :nuke:


Pity you haven't a bloody clue what you're on about.

You've obviously never been near 100bhp/L in your life.

In my book, any 2V engine that can run 100-120bhp/L is a GREAT classic engine.


Oh and keep your personal remarks to yourself.


My wife is russian you j....rk.

And what? You want her phone number.


Well here it is +7

912 494 0108


So bloody well ring her up and apologise, cos I HONOUR my guarantees even if I have to travel 3000miles to do it, and make pretty damn reliable stuff actually.


Don't I? Gerard, J-C, Bruce S. :sick:


You forgot the genuine 50 extra horsepower I got for you, after Dave & all the others like Gardias had had a go and failed.


FOR FREE I'm told too.....


Bloody human nature. :thanks:

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Blimey I enjoyed that!


"àrsch mit ohre" :sweat: .

Alsace, great place, super food, great weather, good wine & cheese, and such great slang.


Almost as good as Luxembourg!



You grumpy old fools on the island just don't know what it's like to live. :thumbsup:

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Failed yes, failed to tell the whole story as usual only the pieces that fit in with the story you want to paint.


I got Bruce 12HP from those exhaust ports. That's hardly a failure.


Shall I dig up the thread where you, the great GT are blindly telling me and Bruce to skim that head even more?


I could easily bend that story to fit my own ends and say we failed under your express advise Gareth as you were acting as leading authority at that time. Lucky I didn't take your advise cause I'd have skimmed straight through the head. That head was failed by it's previous short comings, it was a bastard child from the off. You can't do alot when you are dealing with other peoples junk. That's why I don't have the slighest interest in these engines now. The guy who has been on that head before me needed to be cut down to size.


Only thing I failed at was listening to my gut and telling Bruce to take that piece of shit back home with him.

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Failed yes, failed to tell the whole story as usual only the pieces that fit in with the story you want to paint.


I got Bruce 12HP from those exhaust ports. That's hardly a failure.



Blimey I wish I could have spotted that Dave.

You are so obviously cleverer than even Ken Riley.


Unfortunately for you, I measured the flow on BOTH those heads, and what you believe happened and what are the facts are totally different things.

I mean you ARE aware that you CAN'T GET 12bhp from doing exhaust ports. It simply doesn't work that way.

If so perhaps you should come and show me how to do it?


How could you possibly know?

How many hours did you spend working on it?

Honestly now?

Did you have a hunch or just plain decades of top level experience like some I know, but STILL don't get the result.


Are you really trying hard to blow your last shread of credibility.


I'll let you finish off the job if you want.


I have the figures.

You don't.

It was the VERY FIRST flow bench job I tackled on the SF300 when I got on it, after taking enormous care with the results of Amo C. to make sure it was perfectly calibrated, and corroborrated using his own data.

Have you ever met him?


Why don't go back to doing what you know best?

That's the best way, then we would all stay on the very best of terms.


You know, FACTS speak louder than words.

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No need for all that smoke and mirror like random guffery; a trail of deceptive smoke grenades and flashbangery like an arsed up raid on a taliban cave.


I know it was 12HP or so cause it went back on the rolling road with just the mods to the head, maybe you missed that part? :yes:


I guess the skim helped too. On paper it should have been about 6HP for the skim and so I'd guess the other 6 came from the fact the 2mm protruding ridge between the exhaust seats and ports was eliminated. I also fitted bigger valves.


Facts is facts as you say but facts don't mean shit unless they can be backed up. Pictures also speak louder than facts cause facts are just electrical impulses in your memory banks, unless one puts the theory behind the facts onto paper or some form of externalisation takes place regarding the basis of the fact in question, my take is that facts are often found in packs, or pacts with people who produce excessive quanities of facts, these people often lack tacts.

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Oh and keep your personal remarks to yourself.


My wife is russian you j....rk.

And what? You want her phone number.


Well here it is +7

912 494 0108


So bloody well ring her up and apologise,


And why are you bringing your wife into this?


Ягуар клуб РоÑÑÐ¸Ñ - Jaguar CLUB Russia

PO Box tba

Пермь РоÑÑиÑ

РоÑÑÐ¸Ñ +7 912 494 0108 Ang/Ru

ИÑÑ‚Ð¾Ð½Ð¸Ñ +372 6681792Ang/Nim/Fr


Yeah, dead Link R Us.

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You've obviously never been near 100bhp/L in your life.



You obviously have very little exposure to modern engines if you're so orgamiscally excited by 100BHP/Litre.


Mind you, the ones with over 100BHP/Litre I've owned and drive from time to time can be driven to the shops in a docile manner and are utterly reliable, no magix powers, special secrets techniques and spells required.


Like I said, you're last centuries model spinning the same old tired and outdated yarn on dozens of Triumph forums.

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No need for all that smoke and mirror like random guffery; a trail of deceptive smoke grenades and flashbangery like an arsed up raid on a taliban cave.


I know it was 12HP or so cause it went back on the rolling road with just the mods to the head, maybe you missed that part? :yes:


I guess the skim helped too. On paper it should have been about 6HP for the skim and so I'd guess the other 6 came from the fact the 2mm protruding ridge between the exhaust seats and ports was eliminated. I also fitted bigger valves.


Oh dear.

sadly for you I tested that head, as they were all donated to me,as they were all scrap. (both of them)

The valves were STD size on the old one, and large on the new one with small exhausts...in fact I believe the later head valves were from WITOR, which suprised me by being complete rubbish (after all the marvellous reports I had read about them).


Now for the figures:- as at 13.56pm 29 12 2009.

Please note this is a fully computerised bench which not everyone has.


The head you worked on flowed exactly flowed

80.2cfm at 0.370 lift inlet

56cfm at 0380 lift exhaust.

These values one would not normally be terribly proud of.


The replacement head was actually MORE on the inlet by a whisker despite having much larger valves:-

81.25cfm at 0.375

53.5cfm at 0.375 which is positively terrible and explains why Mr Witor's engines have no top end.


Now to make a little note:-


FAR from your ideas of power gains associated with your headwork, you totally neglected the most important part of the whole engine.

You could easily have put the best head in the world on there, but it still would not have worked.


You see the main problem of the whole engine was coming from the FACT the triple carb set up just didn't flow.

The design was just toilet.


Eventually as you may recall I had to hack out a jam jar full of material, so much in fact I went through, and had to have the whole damn things TIG welded up to salvage them.

In the end they were PAPER thin, but worked as well as I could possibly get.


The new cylinder head became an experiment in how far one could go, and indeed this was the FIRST one ever to hit the 100cfm mark from the inlet valves, so at 150bhp the car is still running in an extremely detuned state.


It's all about FACTS.

You don't have them, I do.


What were you doing at that time?

criticising other people and claiming a certain SUN RAM 12 was worn out!


Actually as you have never ever owned a rolling road, again how could you possibly know the centre feature of a MAHA type machine is the TELMA.

These very rarely go wrong.

Luckily so, because it's used on heavy lorries as a supplementary brake on the propshaft.


I owned a practically brand new Bosch digital rolling road for a while, with the same TELMA inside.

Telma is made in FRANCE.


Perhaps I should know a little more what to expect from this, and about measuring stuff than maybe you?

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You obviously have very little exposure to modern engines if you're so orgamiscally excited by 100BHP/Litre.


FYI I'm not.

However if you are so clever you will no doubt give me a crash course in how to get that out of a 50 year old 2V engine.


Please as I mentioned before, come and show us how it is to be done.


Pop over for a quick little visit to Tallinn.

You might have a little suprise to find out we're not really quite as stupid as you seem to think on the doorstep of the rally capital of the world.


I don't recall ever having had the pleasure to meet.


Here's your big chance.

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Must have your facts all messed up GT.


The valves in that head don't match any you describe there, you must have become confused with all those late nights.


I don't have to give a shit about the rest of the bullshit GT you type cause that is outside my remit.


Don't overly associate me with the head work on that head it was Gardias whoever he is, I did naff all to it bar blend in the seats you want to blow your limiter you need to talk to someone else, someone who gives a shit. Plus you need to understand what 1 CR point does to torque and HP.


The rolling road was pretty worn, half the functions didn't work and the dials were all out of wack, don't try to defend the indefensible, that's just beyond the pale.


I owned a microwave once it had a glass tray inside, it was made in CHINA,

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FYI I'm not.

However if you are so clever you will no doubt give me a crash course in how to get that out of a 50 year old 2V engine.


Please as I mentioned before, come and show us how it is to be done.


Pop over for a quick little visit to Tallinn.

You might have a little suprise to find out we're not really quite as stupid as you seem to think on the doorstep of the rally capital of the world.


I don't recall ever having had the pleasure to meet.


Here's your big chance.


Why on earth would I want to build a grenade motor for an old car when I have a perfectly good Honda that turns out far more horsepower than any road going Triumph ever managed?

Spend a gazillion getting your magic beans for my Vitesse and turn it into an unreliable and fragile pig or just turn the key in Honda's finest? Hmmmm, it's a hard one is that.


And thanks for the offer, but I try and stay away from 3rd world countries, AIDS, Hep C, TB and all that.

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The rolling road was pretty worn, half the functions didn't work and the dials were all out of wack, don't try to defend the indefensible, that's just beyond the pale.


Shame you really are clueless.


Yes the dials are out of wack, in fact they've been disconnected.

Perhaps that was what you missed.


I like the old SUN analogue dials myself. I think they look GREAT, but one has to move on as none of us has 4 pairs of hands.


My goodness you have got a lot to learn.


You see the entire rolling road was converted to digital some time ago.

The brake is driven in manual or automatic mode by a computer program and plotted or in manual mode for setting up carbs, injection and the like....which again quite contrary to your opinions, Martin is an absolute star in setting up.


Oh but there, don't let me spoil your fantasies.


It's really sad to see the pickle you are getting into.


You see that's why I gave up with your forum in the end.


It became just a "say anything, repeat any old garbage"....you know what we say in audio engineering.


"Shit in shit out"


You did get noticed doing all that, but I thought it might be nice to put some facts straight.


You know, just for "old time's sake".

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Why on earth would I want to build a grenade motor for an old car when I have a perfectly good Honda that turns out far more horsepower than any road going Triumph ever managed?


So what on earth are you doing here?

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it was Gardias whoever he is,


As you obviously know a lot even in the Triumph world, Gardias was once Witor's favourite head block in WITNEY, after he stopped dealing with Ken Riley.


FYI Gardias was the chap who did Nigel Gair's head.


I have the figures for that one.

They became part of the ongoing search for valid data, which was quite a help in the early days.

Its's really not, bad at all it must be said.

100% reliable over many years of abuse, despite what our Honda fanatic is saying.


That car is making about 170bhp. (claims more)

It's not bad for an old Triumph saloon is it on 2 SU carbs & my old exhaust design again?


It even was featured in a mag article on your favourite site:-




I have had nothing whatsoever to do with the car, apart from supplying a gearbox for it,

(which seems to have been much nicer than the old Tony L-D unit it replaced).

That's a shame isn't it?


You can't crow on about his transmission having gone wrong can you?

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Here is the bottom line guys:-


I'm not in the least interested.


This is my way of saying it.


If you had the chance to play under this guy at 16, then your perceptions of what is important are forever changed.








Or record that.


Goodbye. :thanks:

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Hello- have I missed something? :thumbsup:

I remain genuinely grateful for the efforts of all of those who helped me.

Little to be gained in dragging up all this old shite again though. :pinch:


Things go well in life, things go pear shaped. Take responcibility for your own actions and be gracious in accepting praise.


I think we would all benefit from having more Country & Western music in our life. :yes:

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