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Just acquired a pair of hearing aids! A test revealed what I had known for years 'high tone deafness'. The aids are tuned to my spectrum and reveal just what I'm missing! Birdsong, the click of paper sheets and better tv/radio sound. And in a group of chatting people, I can actually follow conversation! Good old NHS! John
By Escadrille Ecosse · Posted
You!... Boy!... at the back!.... SPEAK UP! -
It's because you're getting old and deaf. I SAID YOU'RE GETTING DEAF!!!!!
By Nick Jones · Posted
Yeah, yeah. On top of 11….. following a 5 hour drive. Though we did have a nice feed in the pub in Guildford in between the drive and the first flight. It is true that I’m not built for economy class travel. Especially when I’ve tweaked my back the day before. Though this did entitle me to heavier duty meds than I’m normally allowed, so I did actually sleep for a decent chunk of the first leg. Ever so stiff and sore on waking though. Now back in Blighted and on the bus back to the Wild West. Real life beckons. Bleurrrggh! -
I will have one horn switched so it can be turned off when needed . 👌
7.5? Meh. A mature stuff. Taller than me folding yourself into a seat down the back. Ouch. Hope you can get some sleep.