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Last one to leave the country turn the lights out.


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I go to many a forum and see threads bemoaning the way the country's gone. Finally the truth is out, by one of the most respected bodies out...




I will confess that where I live, there's still a good community set-up and we're still largely untouched by it all, but I work in Nottingham where it's painfully obvious..


The thing which surprised me was that poor education didn't make the list. Now, my lad's bright but even I can see he's getting brain-lazy and not really being stretched.. :(


Must start looking for a job in France. The missus will be pleased.  ::)

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Must start looking for a job in France. The missus will be pleased.  ::)


I wouldn't bother, you'll end up being out of work in an even more miserable

place than England.


I deliberately left France because it's a country with no future.  ::)


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My place of work always has about 10 or so Cv's from young engineers / technologists in france who want jobs in the UK, France is run by old men for old men.

I think 50 % of the population works for a company owned by the goverment? promotion is always based on seniority just crap !!

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France WAS run by old foggies from ENA, and for the profit of a generation that clings on to their post 60s spending power and without ever needing to vote for it.


France decided high unemployment was an acceptable to run "their version" of state capitalism.


France decided it would give no hope to its young generation, preferring leaving them for the  brain drain to the USA.


France decided it was the "exception", and could do all this including Eurotunnel/TGV on its own.


France has the worst administrative paperwork nightmare and the most expensive for running a small business in Europe.

The system is designed to make businesses pay to exist, rather than make money.


France ended up being left behind by a world that has choice in the wine it drinks and if it buys french armaments or needs french nuclear weapons.


France has the highest proportion of illegally subsidised businesses in the EU.

(except Brussels doesn't have the b...lls to tackle it)


France is probably an excellent example of how the UK will look in 5yrs time.  ;D


All you need is them to produce sh..t food, have their health service go to pieces, and have the trains never arrive on time.

Then it will be PERFECT, the 100 years war will have achieved something!  >:(

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There is some truth is what you guys say, but the French do trump us in most of the issues laid out in the article.


I dug my lads school book out from France (we left 5 years ago) and he was learning more stuff then, with better handwriting, than he is now... ??)


We have a large friend and family base in the south of France, including my god-daughter. Plus, the extra hour in the day (from Paris Romance time) and better weather is a massive draw.

Plus, I like the two hour lunch breaks, with a nice appero... 8)

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Try Switzerland. French speaking area, mountains, two hours (max) from the côte d'azur...

I would, but I can't afford a cardboard box, let alone a flat ;)


I worked alongside a few Swiss lads when I worked in France, they're really are too dull.



When I retire, hopefully Diane and I will have good health still I would like to rent the house out and live on a Greek island Corfu most likely for a couple of years.


Fantastic, but you'll need to be quick, it'll soon be under water, global warning and all that..     (sunny)

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Yes I think you may be right about global warming, I am so worried about it that I am volunteering to give more tax cos it will help ;)


One of the reasons I like Greece is it has a high population of my favourite animal...........snakes, many people dont spot them when they are on holiday but they are all over the place.

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I dunno, Since all this hooha about global warming I've only seen rain and temperatures of 12 degrees celsius in august...

And yes, the Swiss generally are dull, but then again, aren't most people? ;)

(I work in a country of accountants...)

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Switzerland is great for so many things, just can't think of any.... ;D


Well actually I can, but there's 4 different countries in there, and frankly prefer the laid back (they call it backward!) French bit around Lausanne.


I find the switzze doootch german part dead boring.  ::)

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sitting in the comfort of my european base - I can only say - glad I ain't part of it anymore. It hurts to see the mess that the UK has become and hear that the 'man on the street' is TOTALLY ignored by those 'in power'.

Not stating any country is better, just that the voters of the UK can't even make a difference by ticking another box - they're all the same spineless, jack-asses kow-towing to the big businesses that get them elected and fund their campaigns......


I'm off on one ....... sorry - normal service will be resumed later.


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It's not that bad here really, I think you're all just being brainwashed by the media and their scare stories.


I really wouldn't want to live or work anywhere else, apart from a short stint in Australia perhaps.........


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Its not so much listening or being brainwashed...


Its a fact that everything that goes on seems to piss me off.....Government pisses me off. We have no say in anything at all...


Whether thats speed cameras, biometrics, terrorism laws, traffic wardens, bin wardens, jobs worths, etc etc...


I reckon this place has gone to the dogs in the last 15years....It started in 1994, the Criminal Justice Act?


Not saying we had rights or say before, or others do...However the place gets more stupid by the day and seemingly at immeasurable speeds....Do we honestly think life is better now than in 1960....I really doubt it...All this stuff doesn't bring happiness..Thats all thats really important...I can find that on a desert island with no possessions and whatever.


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