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For Sale - Custom Full-Radius Weber 45Dcoe Inlet Manifolds

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With 45DCOE the engine has massive torque at as low as 3000rpm, and peak power was always about 7300, but would run quite happily to 9000rpm.

How come it was making 110bhp/L with a 6000rpm power band I must ask?

Just the right mix of bits & the right advice it would seem.

[/end quote]


Can't recall having seen such a dyno chart, can you point me to it (BTW: when I say "dyno chart" I refer to a copy of the prinout of the RR operator, not to some self-made XLS graph...)?



It was exactly the same for the exhausts, which I have to say, to date only one person in Germany has ever tried on a Spitfire.

Such a shame!

The French have bought loads.


They have no idea what they were missing, but of course led by that gallant band of deniers like Dani SENN and the other b..llsh..tters on the German Spitfire interweb, (I could mention the word "sheep") most people preferred to believe them rather than me, and of course you helped them on their way.


It used to annoy the heck out of me at Cargraphic, between Schnarr & Bastuck the arch-b..llsh..tters of the entire German after market industry.


Why did you never had any test figures for what you did, and only anecdotal evidence of power output and reliability. (or lack thereof).

[/end quote]


In contrast to you Mr. Thomas I have ALWAYS provided proof for my statements. In my main "for sale" link you see the dyno chart (you refused my offer to join me to a shoot out at the RR, remember?) and, much more important, official lap times from official races.

So I strongly suggest that unless you put a GT-built Spit engine into a car and beat those lap times on street legal tires on those tracks, you better sh*t up and stop questioning my abilities. You know "when the flag drops, bullshit stops" - you know my car's lap times now...no bullshitting here...


This is my last post in this tread...if s/o is interested in the horns, my contact info is in the main "Niko's race Spit for sale" thread




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In my main "for sale" link you see the dyno chart (you refused my offer to join me to a shoot out at the RR, remember?) and, much more important, official lap times from official races.


So I strongly suggest that unless you put a GT-built Spit engine into a car and beat those lap times on street legal tires on those tracks, you better sh*t up and stop questioning my abilities. You know "when the flag drops, bullshit stops" - you know my car's lap times now...no bullshitting here...



I have no doubt if I had a car, I would come and beat the living daylights out of your lap times, as I don't think anyone has ever had the nerve to call my driving sluggish.


Does it matter hey?

I'm not into driving spitfire race cars since the road cars I currently do, produce just as much power and torque over a much wider range than the narrow power band you are getting, and on top of that handle absolutely fantastic with the progressive springs I developed in the last 2 years.


Go ask a few people, you would get one heck of a suprise!




If you don't believe me, come to France in the next fortnight and try one!


I'm working on 2 at the moment.




lend me your car and I'll show you how to do it and how it should be driven on any circuit you care to mention.


As for a rolling road shootout, let's imagine one little thing shall we?


The colossal cost of putting together a valid configuration, shipping it all to Germany, (not a fun place to work at the best of times), providing it with 4 or 5 different exhaust manifolds, 3 or 4 camshafts (a day to change them out and time them in), 3 or 4 different heads and quite a lot of different carbs, inc Dellortos 45DHLA and 40DHLA, good Italian webers 45DCOE and 40DCOE...


Ie, at conservative estimate 3-4 weeks solid work at £500-600 a day + the transport and engine building time.


I would estimate the cost of such a program at something of the order of 25 000-30 000 Euros, which would be a thorough way to evaluate anything in your book.

All the other stuff you have done is just guesswork.


Unfortunately for you, this is EXACTLY what I have succeeded in doing in the last 20-25 years in the UK and at my own rolling road facility in France before I sold it, most of it by building people's engines, gearboxes and diffs.....


Unlike you, I actually owned my own Bosch rolling road, and know how to use it.


That is why I know about rolling road calibration and losses, then how to get 160bhp from a 1300 engine, actually more torque than you claim to get out of your 1500 and a power band that is not 2000rpm wide but more like 5000+.


I know you like this kind of argument and we all find it entertaining, so why stop now?


I'm not doing it to annoy you,

I suspect you want to share all that secret important exclusive German knowledge and prove that your car had the most fantastic well developed stuff in the world, not in fact what I suspect, a rather weak engine which couldn't pull the skin off a rice pudding.




I know how in Germany a joke is not a laughing matter, but cmon smile for a change!


Dass waere ein WITZ!



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I know how in Germany a joke is not a laughing matter, but cmon smile for a change!


Dass waere ein WITZ!


Hmm, you have a point. I remember trying to explain Basil Fawlty's 'German Episode' in German, in Germany, and they didn't think it was funny. I even did the silly walk!

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