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Thought i'd give you an overview of what you can do with the new site, we have agreed we are not gonna make anymore changes for a while and see how it develops and then evolve the site through users needs, the only thing you will see me changing over the next few weeks is the odd colour or two as i struggle through the final changes over the design, so far over 300 colours changed, probably another 300 to go...


So what can you do with the new site:-

Blogs :

You can create your own blog in with the site, upload images and enter details of your life and car. If you already have a blog elsewhere, dont worry you dont need to create a new one, if you select new blog, then you can link to your external blog.



All users can create their own album in the gallery and upload any photos you want to it, makes it a lot simpler for sharing images than other online sites as its all in one place. I have put a restriction on std members of 50 images, but if anyone max's that out we can change it, subscribers are unlimited.


Member Map:

Enter your location so we can build up a map of where we all are to show just how great the internet is for us car nerds. It was impressive when craig and i were working on the site, both of us working for the same cause yet litterally on the otherside of the world from each other.


Enter any events or items that might be usefull for others or even just a reminder for yourself, all users can enter details.



Bit of a social experiment as craig calls it, interesting to see if the novelty wears off and people post in threads rather than on it, its designed for random chat, yet we are all using it for everything at the moment, im trying to use threads now myself and just use it for chat.



Get yourself a colour! lol yeah ok its not a massive incentive but helping the site run and run should be more than enough of an incentive. So far subs have been amazing and is covering the costs of this site for the forseable future so far, but the more we get the longer we can gaurentee the future and work on other benefits. I am thinking of creating a sticker for subscribers or something small just to say, hey look what im part of!

So please although we are running in the black keep them rolling in so we can keep it going for ourselves and future users.

Personal Profile:

You can create your own personal profile, have a photo of yourself all your contact details, heck even a wee description about yourself.



Thats it just now, but get using these features guys, lets start filling this place with the content it deserves.


Oh yes I like the mobile version - even works resonably quickly with GPRS! :) Handy when my work pc barred me from Gerards 'Bollocks' thread! :P

So what's the "reputation" mean on the Profile?


if people like what you say they can click the green plus next to the post, dislike and they hit the red minus, its kinda a meter or how much other peeps like you lol i doctored myself as john has it in for me lol


One question - on the old forum, rather than go through the sub-folders, I'd just hit 'recent posts' and it would show me the threads that had been created or updated since I last logged on. Is there a simple way to do that in the new forum?


if people like what you say they can click the green plus next to the post, dislike and they hit the red minus, its kinda a meter or how much other peeps like you lol i doctored myself as john has it in for me lol


But I've given you a green and nothing came up... :/


But I've given you a green and nothing came up... :/


Actually Aaron, it did come up. I noticed it in the user profile but had no idea what it meant, hence the question.


Thanx for that... ;)

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