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The bad news: another machine shop has shut down.

Took my spare head into work this week, so I could drop it into the local engine re conditioners for a clean to check it over before it goes for the gas-flowing work etc.

What a tragedy- the machine shop went bankrupt 2 weeks ago  :(

Can't help feeling sorry for the guys who worked there, getting another job in that line of work will be hard.

I couldn't help but think I was fortunate not have dropped the head already, else it might have been locked in by the receivers and that would have been that.

So, I left the head on a colleagues desk for the afternoon ;D. He's the guy who calls my car the GT-Shite.


Took the head up to Maynards in Nailsworth today to get it stripped and cleaned in readiness for gas-flowing. Guess what I happened across on the floor there- C'mon Gareth, tidy up after yourself man ;D!

Thought I recognised the 6 pot and the sawn off head section with the plasma-plug was a dead give-away.


The head will spend some time in their tank having 40+ years of grunge removed then I can go over it with a fine tooth comb. :).



Brucie - thanks for the shot of the ladies. Appreciated!!  ;D

Is that an ugly dead pampas grass propped up in the way? That'll make the Wombles hop about a bit if it is. (And serve the feck*rs right, say I).


Meantime, I've recieved my "new" fuel pump, which unlike the AC won't fit with a spacer in place, so I had to shorten the studs and fit it with the two(!) gaskets supplied. Hmm. I miss having a glass bowl. Seems there's two versions of the Carter (or Beck A., or whatever this is pretending to be), still out there and still being supplied willy-nilly regardless of the engine series you quote. (KE in my place. A GT6 lump of course). I'll run this and see what happens for a bit, but I definitely have to get a Facet (or other) in the very near future I think - from what I've read of the many failures associated with these replacement pumps.

I've also tried to fit my radiator and realised that the fan I've fitted - with collets and rubber mounts (it's 9 bladed I think, gawd knows where I got it) - protrudes so far forward I've got a problem. I'll be taking a saw to it tomorrow I suspect. Life!


It's too dark to capture my Excelsior Fraxinus for you - but trust me it's looking lovely. (And I think my fave Laburnum's about to go nuclear. Can't wait).



1st off, one for Smithy. Tidied the garden and got some payback for those scallies at the council who moan about putting non-recyclable items in my green bin. 'Ave it! ;D


They won't take it if you can't shut the lid


Removed the clutch assembly from the flywheel ...

BAD news as  while doing this I discovered that crank has 3-4 mm of play - I can pull the assembly back and forwards just by grabbing the flywheel or the front pulley :'(


I think this is also why I had problems with changing gears (either stuck in gear or not being able to get out of gear)


Had similar problems when I first got the car, and found a thrust-washer in the sump.....will have to see if this is the case again....


Buggery Bum Bollocks!!!


Clutch looked very thrashed despite only having done around 25000 kms..


Will get some pictures up once sump is removed..


i've been out enjoying the sun, just cant be bothered working on the car after a long day at work, much better to be sitting with a beer by the bbq instead.


The Pampas grass  was unceremoniously trampled down and fear not the lid closes. In fact I got tonnes more garden stuff in it ;D. If they don' take it, I will take it round to their office and ask them to tip it out and assess what isn't recyclable. I am scrupulous in my placing of the correct sh#te in the correct bin- in fact I even take the tape of the cardboard! and most weeks my bins are emptied only 1 third full- if that. Those parasites at the council wouldn't dare not take it!


God I miss my car. Roy sent a nice text this morning. I'm off for the nest 3 days and the weather appears to be Triumph-tastic. I might try to finish the breathing arrangements or make more progress with the car seats this weekend.


I shall be taking the hard-top off the Skip again tomorrow - and drive it.  I have rescued the drivers door glass from the bottom of the door and that is now working again.  The next trick will be to investigate the back brakes and attempt to get the handbrake up to MoT standard - it's that time of year again  ::).  Just paid my insurance renewal with RH, £ 68 fully comp, unlimited mileage with European breakdown cover, 3 named drivers and class one business use...... I've even declared all my various mods so the price seems really very reasonable.  Footman James wanted £182.


Today I visited Qwik Fit (not somewhere I normally go) where they re-gassed the Audi AC.  Working AC is necessary when your car is as large and black as my A6 - bloody thing makes a fine sauna without AC!




Not exactly this week but I got married in mine!  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D




Congratulations, man. She looks absolutely stunning. Big smile, classic curvaceous figure and scrubbed to glowing perfection. The wife's OK too  ;)


I'm seriously impressed. The car looks great, the bride is stunning, and that looks like a classic nosegay (or wedding tussie-mussie if you prefer) of peach-coloured Roses. Excellent.


Well, I didn't get married to my car but I did give it some lovin' today in the form of an oil and filter change.  Unipart's finest 20/50, 13 quid.  Checked the autobox fluid level again too.  ATF is such a pretty colour.


Used my GT6 first time today since Cadwell! :B


It drove ok, I think the gearbox has forgiven me for the stick i gave it :P


still got a stiff throttle cable,so that needs looking at next!  ::)


Went for a drive over to Kiddiminster to see Tim from ct forum, He nearly finished a very nice Late mk3 GT6, Mallard greeny blue! he fitting a type 9 box, and mgf rear discs, plus a few more mods!  

will have to get him onto here too ;)


His daily drive is an RS6 06 plate, he told me he wasnt  content with the standard  450bhp, so had bigger twin turbo's, race cat's, etc etc, and its now around 570 !! and he can get the fuel computer display to read 2mpg sometimes!! ;D fook!


I was wiring last night and I'll be wiring today. I hate wiring.  :(

If I can figure out this ruddy ballast resistor (let's face it, should be simple), then I'll try and fire this car up this afternoon. Should be fun.

No, it won't be on Utube.  :P


Re: Went for a drive over to Kiddiminster to see Tim from ct forum......... will have to get him onto here too ;)

I'm sure we would all try and make Mr Bancroft most welcome here Roy.  ;)

PS: Nearly forgot. Very pleased with my Clematis here. Nice one.




Well, my previous assumptions about end-float are now confirmed...

once i removed the sump - this little fellow dropped on to the workbench....


it looks like its been in the sump for some time - its not worn at all.... its counterpart on the other hand is shreaded.... I carefully removed this (as it was still in place)

From the pictures you can see our ten year old BODGE to the bearing cap consisting of to holes drilled/tapped for screws holding the thrust in place...evevrything was fine 4 years ago which is the last time I had the sump removed..


I may have found someone who can fill/machine the cap back to standard spec... fingers crossed.


A few weeks ago I replaced my Herald's oversize door seals with correct rubbers from Rarebits. The car was so pleased with the sensation of money being thrown at it, that the driver's seat promptly collapsed. An accumulation of pies may also have been responsible. The seats were recovered a few years ago, but their innards had looked Ok and so were retained. Aaah well. Anyway, last night, I finished replacing the rubber diaphragm and foam rubber.


The diaphragm was had more hooks than the original, so I suspect Newton Commercial probably use one diaphragm for different sorts of cars. It was easy to drill a few holes in the frame. The kit was missing one hook, so I made up a replacement out of fencing wire. There's a bit of this in every good Kiwi's car... The new foam rubber squab is nothing like the old yellow and frankly disgusting one. Once it and the fabric edging were glued to the frame I pulled the seat cover back over, clipped it in place and voila, one restored seat.


It feels a bit firmer and flatter than with the original rubber (pre-collapse), but is comfortable and looks right. I'll let the glue cure properly before taking the old terror out for a road test.




I'm sure we would all try and make Mr Bancroft most welcome here Roy.  ;)


not that Tim, another one!


Took the GT6 down to Bourton on the water, then on through tetbury, and back up through Gloucester,tewksbury!


GT6 went well, feels a bit rich through the towns, but lumpy on gentle throttle! ok when booting it up the gears!


Did look for you Smithy, but you were'nt on the corner as we chugged past the snotty Fox inn ! :P ;D


Gt6 inside thermometer(on the dash) peaked today at 36c ! phew! :B


Good day driving on some Great roads!


Sorry for the TXT Bruce! wasnt rubbing it in , Honest Guv! :)





I changed my oil pressure gauge from a Mini item that looked OK and seemed to work to a full face Smiths item more in keeping with the other gauges although the gauge is slung down low below the dash. The full face gauge is easier to read and you can see more of what is going on. The gauge is callibrated. The nice thing is that the oil pressure reads higher than with the previous gauge. I am pleased but it could easily be sales patter.  :) :-/


Anyway I get 35-40PSI hot idle (1000RPM). So the engine is still healthy irrespective of which gauge I use. It looks pretty too. I know I am a sad git............ :B

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