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We lost 500 users who hadnt logged in for months or ever posted. If you were one of them, you best sign-up again (once I open reg and guest access again).


Keeps the forum quick and any past inter-forum number pissing contest/s are of no interest.


FINE by me!


We have a lot of users that mine data yet contribute NOTHING, not even a hello.  Sod em I say.  If you can't even contribute enough to introduce yourself than I don't think you're welcome to my hard earned knowledge.  I'll happily help anybody at any time but the skulkers get up my nose....



you make a point that I feel requires clarification.


Lurkers are different than the takers in my mind.


Many registered members may feel overwhelmed and wrongly gather that they have nothing to contribute.  I'm that way on a Corvette forum.  I listen and learn.  But I contribute to that forum by asking questions, I'm not ashamed of my ignorance, just respectful.


Mind you ignorance and stupidity are two seperate things.  Ignorance is curable.


That said, I have no problem with the lurkers and newcomers that are here to learn.  I'll happily share.  My problem is with the smart fellows that are here to steal information without ever offering a constructive tidbit of their own.  




Lets keep this in perspective- does it affect my status as a 'Sugar Plum Fairy'? ;D

It's a shame that some people don't contribute- questions and participation are what keep these places going. If it's just us(The Usual Suspects), it will as like, only wither on the vine. Get involved!!! :)

FINE by me!


................Sod em I say.  If you can't even contribute enough to introduce yourself than I don't think you're welcome to my hard earned knowledge.  I'll happily help anybody at any time but the skulkers get up my nose....


Respect Steve - could not post a better reply - sod emm like you racing brings a circle of mutual trust - honor amongst thief’s and all that - happily help anyone and share 25 years of rebuilding and racing Triumphs -  but skulkers (nono)(hang)(nono)



Speak for yourself, im planning on growing old disgracefully!  ;D


Jeez Matt, the concept of you growing old at all scares me.  Let alone disgracefully ;D



i'm still 22 in my head but body not keeping up.


iagree with gt6steve about some people just like to read and learn etc and may ask for help and then give help to others later but some just take i bet. thats life


Hi all,


What about those of us, like me, who have owned and worked on spitfires and other classics in the past, followed Dave's blog on his mindblowingly detailed automotive creation and like to follow progress of it and the others out there who are doing things differently?  


I'm probably classed as a lurker, I like to read threads on technical stuff and see the photos of the cars and engineering.  I'd love to still be doing it myself but with a young family and bills to pay I'm 'keeping my eye in' via the posts here until I get some spare time again in the future.  To be honest I often look first at Dave's recent posts as he is not short of an opinion on things and somehow manages to give input into most of the threads here.  


I used to use and contribute to Jeff McNeal's TTN forum a lot in the past (David_J) as at the time it was the only one out there.  Dave was a contributor too but, er, they weren't quite ready for being challenged too much.


So, anyway, lurker or contributor, this is a good forum, maybe I will jump in a bit more in the future.  Either way I'm definitely not stealing anyone's knowledge for financial gain.






Ha ha, I escaped the cull. They'll never get me! Never!

Here's a picture of my car, taken the year after I bought it, in 1980. Nope, no reason.



Either way I'm definitely not stealing anyone's knowledge for financial gain.

That's not what Steve was referring to Jarv.

He is referring to people who race their car and only look for information about how to make their car faster without contributing any knowledge themselves.





I have been a bit of a lurker lately. Not that I have much to contribute anyway, but hey, I try.  If you all want to know how to excavate a basement,, or shift an 18 speed Fuller, or that sort of thing, I'm your guy. I am getting pretty good at roll cages, having done two now. My GT6 is sidelined a bit due to the more imediate prospect of the oval racer I picked up. So I built that up this winter, thinking that I would get back to my "real " car in the spring, but now its race season, and boy is that fun. Also a lot more inviting than prepping the real car for paint.....

@ Jarv_77,


What alloys are those?


I used to get asked that a lot.  The best I could find out was that they were made by 'Midland Metallic'.  In fact, I just googled the name and came up with this





Ah, I can see the potential for resentment when it starts going beyond enthusiasts who race together and pool their knowledge for the love of their hobby.




Wow - I managed to dodge the cull too. Somehow that surprises me. :)


Mostly I come here for sheer inspiration - and there is plenty to be found here. The skill level generally on this site is several steps more advanced and refined than I'm used to seeing in similar sites (and not just LBC related). I try to help out where I can, but I'm not a pro in the industry (I'm just a dumb electrician) - I just hope I don't lower the overall average.


I've got my Ecotec Spitfire project listed over in the Engine swaps section, and I hope it inspires someone too. I should probably move it over to the projects section, as it's quickly becoming much more than just an engine swap. (EFI, Pushbutton start, rear diff (BMW?) and rear suspension...) the list grows a little every week. Typically faster than the bank account does. :)


So, to those of you from whom I've 'borrowed' ideas, thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you.


I am on the TSSC forum, and glance over the CT forum just to see what's going on.


I also get FoT (Friends of Triumph), Vitesse, Herald, GT6 and NASS digests, and facebook.


BUT, this is the FIRST one I read, this is where I get my inspiration, this is where I share my problems and triumphs, (small T), and this is where I ask questions and get good answers from knowledgeable folk.  


nuff said.




I browse this forum (a lot) and post a bit now and then.

I have gained a lot of knowledge from this place - I have even managed to find some-one to help me put together a megajolt-system :-)


I also use the CT forum - but mainly for browsing the saloon section.


But this forum is where most of my time is spent - and you can always rely on good answers to almost all postings...


46 posts youre safe Dan :)


There were 340 dead accounts anyways.


I'll be doing some further changes but with overdue garage job due to other commitments (like it turned into me sorting out my mothers entire house, top to bottom! she seems happy????), not atm.


Don't upset Mother- down that road lies ruination. Picking mine up Saturday- I'd love to pick her up from the station in the Triumph, but at 80 with a dodgy pelvis: i'd be off the Christmas card list....

Don't upset Mother- down that road lies ruination. Picking mine up Saturday- I'd love to pick her up from the station in the Triumph, but at 80 with a dodgy pelvis: i'd be off the Christmas card list....


What about the 'mother in law' now it would be good to pick her up in a Triumph from the station - get struck off the Christmas card list for good ;D ;D ;D ;D



Must admit, I get nervous posting.

Stuff I always forget to post...

Or, make a wise crack, then read someone elses post further down the line, and think F....

I hope I didn't offend....

For what I can contribute, which is very little, compared to the gifted ones, I hope to make an effort.

To, all those concerned, thank you for providing, and contributing, to make this the forum it is.




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