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On my bonnet hinges there is a gap which can be either side of the inside of the hinge. This has caused a grave error in my fitting the frame to the box sections on my fibreglass bonnet as the frame is cut and fitted to the bonnet. Basically my alignment was all out and I welded brackets on which weren't done straight, nevermind.



Anyway, this is the gap that I mean. Should it be a particular side? Should there be anything in the gap. Maybe a washer either side? I know the bush is still in the hinge. Is there supposed to be a spacer, as it could be implied from some diagrams, although it also seems like that spacer could be the central bush????


What side should the gap be anyway?


There should be a fat washer there - on either site. Bonnet support must have been hit (bumper), it looks twisted  8)


Ok, thanks. I have one fat washer for the outside per side. The I need a couple for the inside. Not sure about any damage, it may be the gap and angle from the ground that I took the photo that makes it look like that.


Its too hot to do anything now.  :P

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