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Just passed my test!

Just passed my test! (5/10)

  1. 67 was my target, unfortunately I need to have my GT6 repainted, that's added another year on. I didn't worry about pensions for many years, I'm from the West of Scotland, my Father only got to 62, his Father 52 and his Uncle 67, let's say longevity doesn't run in the family. Having lost a lot of weight and given up alcohol four years ago, I am hoping I might survive a bit longer, just need to keep funding my expensive hobby.
  2. I learned Morse in '81/'82, still years away from retirement.
  3. No hats in the RN, caps John, caps.
  4. Radio? new fangled nonsense I say, we should stick to traditional communications methods
  5. I am after a CV conversion kit for my GT6, either the Nick Jones/Bowler type or Canley's, I am not interested in fitting the CDD version however. Does anyone have a set laying around that they aren't using? Ian
  6. It doesn’t matter who gets in, the economy is in a mess, way too much money was given away without any thought for the future. After being.a party member for some years, I have cancelled my Conservative membership and I certainly won’t be voting for Labour. My Chinese wife doesn’t understand why we get so excited by politics, we only ever complain about it, might as well have the Chinese system, at times I think she has a point. Ian (politically very homeless)
  7. I'm doing it for 2nd time, used my TR6 last time, that wasn't too uncomfortable due to MX5 seats, doing it in my Mk2 PI Saloon this time, freshly retrimmed Alfa 156 seats should be even better.
  8. You can buy the shim set here https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/284393877887?hash=item423732317f:g:qy0AAOSwAa9e2TcM&amdata=enc%3AAQAHAAAAoDyGU3K5zg5m%2F3fx0oc6hH3FDz9lkRg6CxsmDwAXW2vmdRE2UOfIsz6W7hR53S1c2EDCnghJBDGdVJUz2iBjLEDoQjLJjjFcy2W%2FugTOgYfY2GiiohTviGHhM6RfTDD%2B04FWjDCkF1b6SzTEsNEsHLal%2B8xQLtTCvw988aIOUc1FKmq5I2xHDWPBK4bMfZdEW13WEi6zU8GgU%2Bf8if9ZJqA%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR8q548GaYQ
  9. I've used Dickies quilted overalls in the Winter for a few years now, very effective in my unheated garage.
  10. Out of stock currently but Emerald sell one https://www.emeraldm3d.com/accessories/solid-air-fuel-ratio-gauge.html
  11. JochemsTR on the TRR forum uses an EMU Black
  12. Sorry, I'm not getting you here I'm afraid. Does anyone have a pic of what this should look like?
  13. If I have understood correctly, the TR6 spigot bush I have has to sit in the GT6 flywheel. The GT6 flywheel has to be machined from the engine side but not all the way through, a small area needs to be left at the original diameter to act as a stop, is that it?
  14. Current plan is to use GT6 carrier with slipper blocks but will discuss with Mike Papworth when I drop the 'box off for overhaul with him this week.
  15. Thanks Colin, I am almost certain I have a short back crank, it came from a TC saloon and I think they are all later than the cutover, I will confirm however. Ian (a fellow Weegie!)
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